We Worship
Worship Schedule
5:00pm The Incarnation Chapel
252 Rushmore Place, Carle Place (former St. Mary's)
Visit incarnationgc.org/chapel for more information.
8:00am Traditional Mass
In-person at the cathedral
9:15am Cathedral for Kids
In-person at the Cathedral
11:15am Choral Mass
In-person at the cathedral and via livestream
6:30pm Weekly Meditation and Contemplative Prayer
Online via Zoom. Meeting ID: 894 5687 5414
12:00pm Healing Mass
in-person at the cathedral
Ordination of Kate Schneider to the Transitional Diaconate
January 25, 11am
Join us for the ordination to the Transitional Diaconate of our own, beloved, Kate Schneider!
Kate spent five years with us at the Cathedral, first as Family Ministries Coordinator, before serving as the Director of Family Ministries. She currently serves as the Ministry Associate at Zion Episcopal Church, Douglaston, NY. She is excited by the magic that happens when our rich Episcopal tradition and creativity meet, and she seeks that out in liturgy and learning.
She is grateful to her parents, Mark and Mary Jane Akerman for raising her in this beautiful tradition and living as faithful examples of what it means to be a disciple of Christ, and to her wife, Mariel Schneider who has supported her every step of the way of this long and winding path. Kate is excited to continue to make her home in the Diocese of Long Island and begin her ordained ministry in service to Jesus Christ and His church. We are all so excited to celebrate her ordination at the Cathedral.
We Connect
Yoga at the Cathedral
Fridays at 6pm
Please bring your own yoga mat. All levels of yoga experience are welcome, including those who practice on a chair. We encourage you to bring a friend!
Grief Support Group
Every other Sunday 2-3:30pm
The Grief Support Group offers a different quality of support and connection that comes from being with people who have also experienced a loss. The group meets every other Sunday at See House (36 Cathedral Ave, Garden City NY -- large red brick building) from 2-3:30pm. Meeting dates are: Jan. 26, Feb. 9 & 23, Mar. 9 & 23, Apr. 13 & 27, May 11 & 25, Jun. 8 & 22
We Grow
Fellowship in Faith & Dean's Forum
Sunday, 10-11am, at the Mercer School
Thank you to everyone who participated in last Sunday's pop-up kitchen honoring the legacy of MLK, Jr. Together we made 90 sandwiches and 30 servings of hearty soup.
The Cathedral's Neighbors Being Neighbors ministry continues to serve fresh food, free of charge, twice a week on Jackson Street. Adults can stay involved by emailing Deacon Denise Galloway at dgalloway@incarnationgc.org. Young children support this and other outreach ministries once a month, during Fellowship in Faith, and 6th-12th graders do the same every first Sunday, 12:30-2pm, at the Guest House.
This Sunday, children's classes focus on Jesus' parable of the Prodigal Son. In the Dean's Forum, adults join longtime church school volunteer, Charles Janoff, to explore the Biblical view of teaching.
Basic Christian Formation Program
Basic Christian Formation: an intensive course to engage questions of faith from a Christian perspective in the Anglican tradition. It will provide opportunities to form relationships with fellow explorers on the same journey. It will also help prepare you for baptism, Confirmation , or Reception in the Episcopal Church, or if you want to deepen your faith. Beginning Sunday January 26 through April 6, 10:15 am at the Mercer School. Register on Realm here. For more information contact Fr. Mark Kowalewski (mkowalewski@incarnationgc.org).
We Serve
Spotlight on Stewardship
with Warden Keith Okrosy
I see stewardship as a call to action. Throughout the gospel, Jesus set out to teach others to heal, to face adversity, to listen, to express empathy, in short, to do. Now, whether the disciplines listened or fully understood is another matter altogether. But perhaps that’s the beauty in those moments. Are we ever fully sure of ourselves when taking on our duties as Christians? Perhaps we don’t feel ready, don’t feel we have enough time, enough funds, or enough of what it takes.
However, while this hesitancy may feel real, while we are in the middle of doing good work, we can’t help but feel that it was the right move to make. So, while Jesus even reacted to Mary that guests not having enough wine was not his concern, it wasn’t his time. But, he still turned that water into wine and everyone had a blast. These small gestures can have a wide impact on our community and allow us all to enjoy the festivities of his good work.
I believe the secret to what makes taking on stewardship easier than we expect is that we have each other. Just this past Sunday, our community came together to show our neighborly support as part of our celebration and commemoration of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We all lent a hand to get that cheese and ham on those sandwiches, chop up those carrots, and decorate those bags. Something that may have taken one person over an hour, and some sore hands, took only about 15 minutes. And the camaraderie among everyone was a joy to experience.
Coming together for our neighbors is just one of the ways we can show support for our Cathedral community. I encourage you to reflect on how you feel called to show your talent, treasure, and time. We all have what it takes to keep our community of prayer at the Cathedral going strong.
Calling Garden Enthusiasts!
The Cathedral is one step closer in the grant process to create a native pollinator garden on the cathedral grounds. You can learn more about the program here. If you are interested in being part of our core group of volunteers who would help maintain the garden for the next two years, reach out to Caroline at ccosgrove@incarnationgc.org.
Soup Donations needed!
Neighbors being Neighbors
We are in need of donations of canned Progresso Chicken Noodle for our Neighbors being Neighbors ministry. Now that winter has begun, we will be serving the soup twice per week with our sandwiches. Please bring donations to church, or drop at the Cathedral office in See House during the week.
We Pray
You can submit prayer requests online here.
A prayer for the Third Sunday after the Epiphany
Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our Savior Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the Good News of his salvation, that we and the whole world may perceive the glory of his marvelous works; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer List:
The Church: Sean the Presiding Bishop; Lawrence, our Bishop; Geralyn, our Assistant Bishop; Daniel, our Assisting Bishop; William, our Assisting Bishop; Michael, our Dean; Eddie, our Sub Dean; Kate, our Canon for Christian Education; Adam, our Abbot of the Center for Spiritual Imagination; Dan and Mark our Co-Vicars of the Incarnation Chapel: Cameron our Curate; Denise, our Deacon and Director of Outreach; Larry, our Canon Musician; David, our Associate Organist/Choirmaster; Charlie, our Chancellor; Kyle our Dean's Verger; Garrett, our Livestream Technician, James, our Sexton; Kris, our Program Director of the Center for Spiritual Imagination; Arleen, our Cathedral Administrator; Gerry, our Pledge Secretary and Asst. Treasurer
The Nation: Joseph, our President; Kathy, our Governor; Mary, the Mayor of Garden City, and the members of our Armed Forces, especially The Very Rev. Dr. Michael Sniffen, The Rev. James Reiss, The Rev. Jen Pilat, The Rev. Matthew Sanfilippo, Brian Thorpe, James Rivera, Charlie Whittaker, Jason Whittaker, Raymond Minihan, Jason Clark, Liam Begley, Adam Sanchez, Jonathan Hart, James Tilden, Noah Penders, Jason R. Corrado Jr. and their and their families.
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer we pray for The Episcopal / Anglican Province of Alexandria and in the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer we pray for All Saints', Richmond Hill.
For those who have asked for our prayers: Tony, Flor, Marisol, Pat, Lawrence, Karen, Headley, Mary F., Monica S., Eladio, Niyjah, Natasha, Nesha, Claude, Lauren, London, Tristan, Gianna, Nirvana, August, Wayne, Indigo, Chi, Todd, Theresa, Whitney, Webb D., Marc S., Jeneen G., Anthony P., Caroline Z., Toni C., Bob R., Jermaine, Mary H., Arielle, Bill B., Isabella J., Joan N., Kelly M., Raj P, John M., Emily, Gerald, Tony, Jackie, Reginald, Bill B., Laura B., Maryann D., Jera, Holly, Connor, Jermaine C., Leslie P., Savina & Philip D., James & Eileen, Floy-Dean, Annette, Jackson, Maureen M., Devinder S., James C., Katy, Madison, Baby S., Monique T., Marlen, Christina R., Mary F., Marcus, Neena, Matthew, Laryssa F., Jennifer U., Lillian N., Maima B. and Bob C.
We pray for those who have died, especially Winston Deans, and for those grieving the death of a loved one, that they may find comfort and peace.
On Sunday, January 26, the Masses are in memory of Vivienne S. Lewis in condolence for Carolyn Lewis Westerberg and family by Noreen Healey.
We wish a Blessed and Happy Birthday to our Cathedral Kids and Youth who celebrate a birthday in January: Gianna A., Preston B., Constance B., Abigail C., Caitlin C., Eliana C., Paul C., Eleanor D., Leo D., Richard G., Charles L., Kellen L., Hunter M., Christian M., and Leo S.
Mass cards, altar flowers, bread and wine donations, sanctuary candles, children’s birthdays and prayer requests can be sent to the cathedral office at cathedral@incarnationgc.org or (516) 746-2955. Prayers are taken off the list after 90 days unless a special request is made.