Dean names Kyle Sabo as his Senior Administrative Aide

The Dean is pleased to announce the appointment of Kyle Sabo as his Senior Administrative Aide, in addition to his continuing work as Dean’s Verger.

In this newly expanded role, Kyle will serve as the Dean’s principal aide in his capacities as Dean of the Cathedral, Dean and Vice President of the Mercer School of Theology, and Chairman of the Board of the Center for Spiritual Imagination. Kyle will provide essential executive support and project management to the Dean, including managing the Dean’s communications, calendar, and strategic initiatives in and between all three organizations.

The Dean shared the following words regarding Kyle’s new role “The appointment of Kyle as my Senior Administrative Aide will expand my capabilities to lead and manage ministry growth across the institutions I serve. I am excited for Kyle’s expanded role and look forward to working with him in establishing an integrated and forward-looking approach to my ministry on the Cathedral Close.