Museum of the Moon — UK artist Luke Jerram's large-scale 20-ft, 3D representation of the moon — comes to the Cathedral nave this April and May. Created using detailed NASA imagery, this awe-inspiring work of art has been displayed in cathedrals, museums, and other public spaces the world-over.
This will be Museum of the Moon’s first installation in a house of worship in the United States and will serve as a powerful theological and cultural focal point, bridging sacred and secular understandings of existence. At the intersection of science, art, and faith, the moon becomes our companion through the journey from Passiontide to Eastertide. The moon that reflected the sun’s pale night light on the Holy Land during Christ’s life and earthly ministry hangs over our island today, reminding us of God’s creation amid a changing world. The moon invites contemplation of humanity's relationship with our cosmic neighbors, while celebrating the Creator's majesty in natural and divine realms.
We invite you to explore the schedule of events in this program and to join us as the Cathedral of the Incarnation embraces its role as the focal point for learning, contemplation, and prayer for our entire island home.
All proceeds from ticketed events and individual and corporate sponsorships will go toward the Historic Stewart Building Preservation Fund, a non-profit established to increase public awareness of the architectural history of buildings and properties built by Alexander and Cornelia Stewart. These buildings include See House (the historic residence of the first bishops of Long Island) and the Cathedral of the Incarnation, a National Historic Landmark building.
Program of Events

Museum of the Moon by Luke Jerram. Bristol Cathedral, UK, 2021. Photo by Bob Pitchford
Individual or Group Guided Tours
Ongoing, Saturday April 12–May 3, 2025
Enjoy a view of the moon as you’ve never seen it before, in our awe-inspiring gothic cathedral. Admission is free during the day, and there is a suggested $10.00 donation after sunset. Register at to reserve your timed evening entry after 7pm.
During the day, join one of our guides for a tour of the historic cathedral church, including some of our sacred treasures, stunning stained glass windows, and brilliant architecture. Marvel at the moon from any vantage point in the 140-year old building. To book a guided tour, please email

School Group Visits
Ongoing, Saturday April 12–May 3, 2025
Invite your child’s class to visit the Cathedral nave where science comes alive. Contact Mother Kate Salisbury, our Canon for Christian Formation and Education, at, to book a field trip to the Cathedral!

Artwork by Drigo Morin
Gallery at the Cathedral of the Incarnation
Ongoing, Saturday April 12–May 3, 2025
Illuminations – Art in Sacred Space, a collaboration with Trinity Community Arts Center, the inaugural exhibition in the newly designated Gallery at the Cathedral of the Incarnation, captures the dynamic interplay of light and artistic expression, featuring striking oil paintings by Drigo Morin capturing iconic moments of space exploration, moon-themed photography by Jennifer A. Uihlein and Susan Tiffen, and two large-scale works by Hendrick Art Studio celebrating the Museum of the Moon. This collection invites you to dive into the wonder of the cosmos through art that’s both reflective and Instagrammable! Location in the Cathedral Undercroft, which is elevator accessible.

Moon Music Organ Recitals
Ongoing, Saturday April 12–May 3, 2025
Cathedral Music Director, Canon Larry Tremsky, and Associate Organist, David Preston, present short organ recitals on the largest pipe organ on Long Island during the day, with special emphasis on pieces related to the cosmos. Please check back soon for specific dates and times.

Noonday and Evening Prayer
Ongoing, Saturday April 12–May 3, 2025
Tours will pause for the Cathedral’s Noonday mass on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays under the Moon. All are welcome to participate, or sit quietly in contemplation.

Cathedral Youth Night Watch
Friday, April 11 at 6:00pm
The Cathedral youth gather for their annual sleepover in the Cathedral — this year including a stellar view of the moon! Contact Mother Kate Salisbury, our Canon for Christian Formation and Education, at for more information on participating in this fun-filled evening of fellowship, activities, and food!

Artwork by Drigo Morin
Gallery Opening | Trinity Community Arts Center at the Cathedral
Saturday, April 12 at 7:00pm
Be among the first to walk the new gallery space in the Cathedral undercroft at the opening of Illuminations – Art in Sacred Space, a collaborative effort of the Cathedral, Trinity Episcopal Church - Northport, and Trinity Community Arts Center. The rotating gallery space will feature works from our cathedral and diocesan communities, with the first installation featuring "moon-themed" works by Drigo Morin, Jennifer A. Uihlein, and Susan Tiffen. There is no charge for admission, but please email so we can plan refreshments accordingly.

Museum of the Moon by Luke Jerram. Culture Liverpool at Liverpool Cathedral, 2018. Photo by Gareth Jones
Stewart Circle Sponsor Cocktail Party
Sunday, April 13 at 7:00pm
Become a sponsor of the Museum of the Moon at the Cathedral for special access to ticketed events during its installation, including an intimate gathering in the nave on opening weekend hosted by the Dean and the Bishop of Long Island. For more information on sponsorship, please email Kyle Sabo at

Holy Week at the Cathedral
Sunday, April 13–20, 2025
Please check our Worship Schedule page for a complete listing of Holy Week liturgies — all are welcome!

Cathedral Yoga Under the Moon
Tuesday April 15, Friday April 18 and Tuesday April 22 at 7pm; April 29 at 8pm
Come expand your yoga practice with Dana Lewis while fixing your gaze on the Sea of Tranquility, or one of the moon’s beautiful craters. A special moon-centered Cathedral Yoga program will meet on four evenings during the Museum of the Moon installation: Tuesday April 15, Friday April 18 and Tuesday April 22 at 7pm. There will be a special session on Tuesday April 29 at 8pm, which will meet after the Center for Spiritual Imagination’s contemplative prayer practice. Register for Yoga under the Moon on

Adelphi University Night
Monday April 21 from 4:00-7:00pm
Gather under the moon for an evening of intellectual discourse with our neighbors at Adelphi University!
Adelphi History Chairman Associate Professor Ed Reno leads a session of this spring’s Honors Seminar: “Science vs. Religion: The Trial of Galileo & The Heliocentric Universe.” Physics Chairman Associate Professor Matthew Wright and undergraduates Ryan Carty and Mariane Diby will offer a presentation on the moons of Jupiter.
All are welcome to attend and fully participate in these lively presentations. Light refreshments will be served. Email to register.

Museum of the Moon by Luke Jerram
Diocese of Long Island Creation Care Community—Earth Day Commemoration
Tuesday April 22 at 8:00pm
Join members of the Diocese of Long Island’s Creation Care Community as we gather for “An Hour of Prayer for Earth” under the light of the moon on the 55th anniversary of the first Earth Day. All are welcome to join in focused prayer and contemplation, interspersed with silence and creation/environment-focused readings.

Us and Floyd + Cathedral Local Brewery Festival Under the Moon
Saturday, April 26 at 7:00pm
Acclaimed Pink Floyd tribute band “Us and Floyd” puts on a selection of the greatest progressive rock band of all time’s greatest hits, including “Dark Side of the Moon,” “Wish You Were Here,” and “The Great Gig in the Sky.” Doors open at 7pm, show begins at 8pm.
We are also welcoming six area breweries to the nave for our first local brewery festival. Enjoy brews from Somerset, Barrier, Lunchbox, South Shore Craft Brewery, Jones Beach, and Small Craft while taking in the sounds of "Us and Floyd" as a laser show dances throughout our soaring nave. Tickets for the brewery festival are available on Eventbrite.

Maniple embroidered in silk and silver thread, with shooting stars or possibly Halley's Comet. Mid-18th C. Collection of the Textile Conservation Lab, Cathedral St. John the Divine.
By Moon and Maniple: Celestial Symbols in Sacred Dress
Sunday, April 27 at 10:00am
Join us for a very special Dean’s Forum looking at the use of cosmic symbols in the church’s vestments. Textile historian Marianna Garthwaite Klaiman will bring this amazing area of church history alive with wonderful examples of how stars, comets, the moon and the sun have all been used throughout history on the church’s sacred vestments.

Monday is Moonday!
Monday, April 28 from 4:00–8:00pm
Canon Kate leads a family-centered afternoon under the moon including after-school crafts, tours, moon music singalongs and art projects. Email Kate at to register!

Community of the Incarnation Contemplative Prayer
Tuesday, April 29 at 7:00pm
Founding members of the Community of the Incarnation, Canon Kris Vieria Coleman and The Rev. Canon Adam Bucko, lead a contemplative prayer service under the moon. COI embodies and teaches engaged contemplative spirituality in response to what Father Bede Griffiths called “the universal call to contemplation” and is the largest and fastest growing new monastic community in the Episcopal Church. Those wishing to extend their time under the moon are invited to stay for a special Cathedral yoga session at 8pm! For more information about COI see their website at

Events under the Moon. Photo © twobytwo
Moondance in the Nave: A Gala Dinner/Dance Benefiting the Historic Stewart Buildings Fund
Friday, May 2, 2025 at 7:00pm
Join the Bishop of Long Island, the Dean, and Cathedral Staff at this first-of-its-kind event in the Cathedral nave. The marquis event of the Museum of the Moon installation will kick off at 7pm with cocktails in the undercroft, followed by dinner and dancing under the moon at 8pm. All proceeds will go to the Stewart Historic Buildings Preservation Fund, which exists to maintain and preserve original Garden City buildings associated with founder Alexander Turney Stewart on the Cathedral Close. Tickets for the Moondance Gala are available on Eventbrite.

May the Fourth Be With You—Star Wars Afternoon at the Cathedral
Sunday, May 4 at 2:00pm
The Museum of the Moon installation wraps up with a fun look at Star Wars culture, geared for kids of all ages. Led by Canon Kate, Chelsy DeHart, Diocesan Director of Youth and Young Adults Ministry, and The Rev. Brian Barry, Associate Priest of the Cathedral. Costumes are welcome!

Evensong for Eastertide and Sherry Hour
Sunday, May 4 at 4:00pm
The closing event for the Museum of the Moon. The Cathedral choirs lead us in the great Anglican heritage of Choral Evensong (sung evening prayer) as we conclude the museum’s three-week run at the Cathedral. Followed by a festive sherry hour as the sun sets.