© Girl in a Camera Productions LLC

Serve in Worship


As a cathedral church, our central focus each week is the glorification of God through our public worship together. From this fixed point in a turning and sometimes turbulent world, all things - all of our other ministries and work as Christians in the Anglican tradition - flow.

To organize and execute the liturgy ("the work of the people"), we rely on several lay ministries that make up our Liturgical Ministry Team. We invite you to learn more about them here and, if you are so called, to speak with a verger about joining one of these important groups. We look forward to learning more about you as you learn more about us!


The vergers of the cathedral are lay ministers who assist the clergy in the planning and execution of cathedral and diocesan liturgies, as well as other events held on the cathedral close. Vergers also work with the ushers and tour guides to provide a welcoming, safe, and prayerful environment for the conduct of our public worship together.

Only about 10% of what vergers do can be seen during the service, however, as hours of planning and work go into this ministry on days other than Sunday. To learn more about the verger ministry, visit the Diocesan Verger Guild webpage here or the national Verger Guild of the Episcopal Church website here.


An acolyte’s duties include preparing the elements of the Eucharist, carrying processional crosses and torches, and lighting candles for mass. There are multiple roles within the acolyte ministry, including altar server, torch bearer, crucifer, or thurifer (the acolyte charged with managing incense). Acolytes are lay ministers, and they often serve in multiple roles during a single service.


The members of the altar guild prepare for each cathedral service by setting out the implements needed at the altar, laundering linens, changing and caring for our ecclesiastic fabrics (such as clergy vestments and altar hangings) and also coordinate decorating the cathedral for holidays such as Christmas and Easter, mainly using floral arrangements.

One of the unique aspects to life at the cathedral is the annual construction of the Palm Screen, an elaborate screen made of palms that is placed on the High Altar for Palm Sunday. This, like many of the creative elements found inside the cathedral such as the Harvest Altar, is produced by the altar guild with help from many other hands.

If you have a talent for cleaning, sewing, polishing, or floral design please considering joining the altar guild!


Lectors are lay people who read the lessons during services and offer the Prayers of the People. We have opportunities at both our in-person and online services, as well as at special services such as Choral Evensong and diocesan liturgies throughout the year.


Ushers ensure the orderly flow of the service from the "back of house," overseeing the set up and cleanliness of the nave, distribution of service leaflets, the alms collection, and they also conduct congregants to and from their seats during communion. Ushers are also the "eyes and ears" of the cathedral, being the ministers in charge of calling for assistance in the event of a medical or security emergency.


Welcome ministers, often serving as an usher, are lay members of the congregation whose focus is to welcome all who enter, both newcomers and long-time cathedral members alike. Welcome ministers are well-versed in most of the cathedral ministries and can direct you to the point person of that ministry if you are interested in learning more about it. These ministers can also put you in touch with a clergyperson should you have a pastoral concern. Welcome ministers are known by their friendly, smiling faces and their eagerness to ask you if you'd like a name tag!

To learn more about any of these ministries, please contact our vergers at vergers@incarnationgc.org.