Our music program, one of the few of its kind in the United States, features singers of all ages and abilities singing the finest sacred music from all periods at the highest level. Choral music has been an integral part of the worship at this Cathedral since it was founded, with the first choir formed and rehearsing even before the completion of the Cathedral building.
The Choirs at the Cathedral
The Cathedral serves as the worship center for a religious tradition which has long placed considerable emphasis on worship and music. As such, the main focus of the work of our choirs is to provide leadership in several liturgies each week during the school year.
Membership in the Cathedral Choirs
Our choirs form a wonderful community, singing the finest choral music at a high level, in the acoustic splendor of the cathedral. Membership in any of the cathedral choirs is by audition. The parents of prospective boy or girl choristers are invited to call Larry Tremsky, at 516.746-2956 ext. 184, or ltremsky@incarnationgc.org. Our singers come from throughout the area, and encompass many different faith traditions. Adults need to possess basic music-reading skills and prior singing experience to be part of the choir program.
The Cathedral Choristers
This group of younger singers rehearses weekly on Tuesdays or Wednesdays from 5:00 – 6:00 PM, and sing twice per month at the 9:15am Cathedral for Kids Sunday Mass. Choristers learn sight-singing, music reading, and healthy singing technique in a fun, gentle atmosphere. Older Choristers later join the Cathedral Choir when their singing skills have been developed.
The Cathedral Choir
The Cathedral Choir sings at the 11:15 am Mass weekly, as well as monthly Evensong. It is a traditional Anglican cathedral choir, using both professional and volunteer singers who sing a wide variety of choral repertoire, all in the service of the liturgy.
The Cathedral Singers
The Cathedral Singers, a dedicated group of music-loving volunteer singers within the Cathedral, rehearse weekly and sing every other week with the Cathedral Choir.
Friends of Music in the Cathedral
Friends of Music in the Cathedral make it possible to continue offering the rich and varied program that has been a part of the Cathedral of the Incarnation for many years. We invite you to become a Friend of Music by mailing a donation to the address listed below. Checks should be made out to Music in the Cathedral, and all gifts are tax deductible.
Supporter: up to $49
Friends: $50-149
Sponsor: $150-$249
Patron: $250-$499
Benefactor: $500+
Please include your name as you would like it to appear in the program, as well as your mailing and e-mail addresses.
Mail to:
Music in the Cathedral
Cathedral of the Incarnation
36 Cathedral Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530